Friday, September 18, 2009

Working Life,

Week 3 of Internship.

Wednesday I went Pasar Malam!!!
with benson, Joyce, and Joshua!
it was super duper fun!!!

Ytd went city hall with Benson!
He bought his Cigars and then to ToyRus!
To buy toys of course.
He bought his Audi car and he's the star card holder of Toyota R Us.
1. Cigars (real, not toys!)
2. Audi
3. Bullets for Air gun
4. My long lost Monkey
5. my shark's teeth bracelet
6. A secret ride! (not cab!)

and today, I finally had the time to sit down and use my Computer.

Am pretty satisfied with my Results, would be happier if my grades for IEF and PMKT could swap!

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